Reintegration Support Outreach Program

The Reintegration Support Outreach Program services young persons who are involved with the Youth Justice Systems. The young persons are between the ages of 12 to 17 years of age at the time of their offence.

The Reintegration Support Outreach Program offers a dedicated, gender responsive, mobile worker to provide assistance in the delivery of the individualized risk reduction plan. The worker will strive to form a strength based relationship and be a strong mentor for the young person. The worker will help in enhancing the social, recreational and living skills for the young person. The intent of this program is to impact upon the rate and seriousness of recidivism and to assist the young person in developing the required skills to successfully reintegrate and be connected to their community.

Our objectives are:

  • Provide a viable alternative to custody
  • Delivery of an individualized risk reduction plan developed in collaboration with Case Manager, community services and the young person.
  • Support the young person and their family
  • Recognize and support the multiple strengths of the young person.
  • Build on resiliency of the young person
  • Provide life management support to the young person as it is related to housing, finances and identification
  • Teach and practice transferrable life skills with the young person
  • Act as an advocate for the young person with justice, education and employment services
  • Reinforce and practice treatment components set out by Therapist
  • Provide trauma support through Clinician to young person/parent(s)
  • Provide the young person with linkage to community resources
  • Work in close relationship with our community partners

The referral source is the Probation Case Manager